Resilient Reflections: Concrete steps that can improve your foundation

I won’t write more about working on each specific leg of the foundation, because I’ve already written so much about each of these topics before. Here is a list of a few steps you can take to make concrete improvements in your foundation:

Establish a morning ritual.

Begin using weekly/daily goals.

Eat a healthier diet.

Exercise daily. Your body needs rest days.

Write your goals on paper/maintain a journal to record ideas.

You are 42 percent more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down. Writing your goals down not only forces you to get clear on what, exactly, it is that you want to accomplish, but doing so plays a part in motivating you to complete the tasks necessary for your success. Take one/two days off per week, work hard the others.

Run a weekly review/intention setting and check in.

Give up television.

Organize your internet usage.

Get enough sleep each night.

Each of these tasks is something you can implement over the next month and see how you do. If you select half of these and accomplish them over the next 6 months, you have started laying your concrete foundation for any future goal.


PŪRe Delicious: Roasted Asparagus


PŪRe Delicious: Mango, Tomato, Avocado Salad