PŪRe Delicious: BBQ Trout

I don’t eat a lot of meat or chicken any more just because I feel better with fruit, vegetables and the odd piece of fish. Trout is one of my favourites. And as my husband is always pushing me to eat more protein, this often ends up on the top of my list of favourites. You can adapt this and do it in the oven without tinfoil, just in a pan oiled/sprayed at 350 degrees. But on the BBQ it’s fantastic!

When BBQing we buy trout with the skin on (that being said I remove the skin before serving!). Pick filets of any size whichever works best for you. 


Tin foil
Trout Filets (with the skin)
Olive oil
Cooking spray or oil
Salt and pepper
Green onions/chives (optional)


Spray the tin foil well; dull coloured side; Tin foil should be large enough to fit your filet and fold. If it’s a large filet(s) you may need to wrap it twice or cross over.

Spread a bit of olive oil all over the top of the filet. Squirt fresh lemon to taste. Salt & Pepper to taste. Onions/Chives (optional).

Fold the tin foil in at the top and bottom of the fish first, then the sides so you can open the sides if you WANT to check it while cooking. For the most part, cook on high on the BBQ for 10-15 minutes and you’re done! Because it steams in the BBQ it melts in your mouth!


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