Resilience and Gratitude

Resilience and Gratitude

I found a blog I’d written a couple of years ago and it is the impetus behind this blog, because although time has moved on, some of the thoughts I wrote about then are even more important today as we watch uncertainty unfolding in the world, consider what humanity should mean and wonder how all of this will end.

Fear destroys lives, communities and hope. It can terrorize peoples, nations, and families. It can also be debilitating to individuals.

We’ve all heard the phrase the only certainty in life is change. Change is inevitable and the only thing we know will happen. Nothing remains the same.

Fear, uncertainty, change cumulating altogether can be debilitating. And although it often seems trite, but always worth reiterating, in order to take care of others, we need to start with taking care of ourselves. During these times, take care of yourself first, then your loved ones. Remind yourself each day of the small things in your life that you can be grateful for.

October is a month where transformation is visible everywhere we look—the leaves turn, the days shorten, and the air carries a quiet invitation to reflect and realign. Knowing that change is coming means you have an opportunity to anticipate and accommodate change when it finally arrives to reduce the adverse impacts it can have on your life.

You may not like the change heading in your direction, but you can respond to it. You can find ways to adapt, consider and assimilate change to keep stability in your life. To build resiliency.

Below are some ideas to support building resiliency and I wanted to share them with you. I hope you get something from at least one of these thoughts:

• Have the courage to be imperfect

• Take time for yourself

• Sign up for that course, join that club, do that yoga!

• Be active every day in as many ways as you can

• Spend time with people who make you feel good

• Laugh out loud each day

• Invite your neighbour over for a cup of tea, coffee or whatever turns your crank!

• Do one thing now that you’ve been putting off

• Focus more on things you can control

• Remember, change is inevitable and tomorrow you may feel vastly different than you do today.

During these trying times try to share with others the generosity and compassion you have within. By showing love, understanding, compassion, an open mind and offering a good ear, we may be able to take small steps to make the world a better place.

Happy Thanksgiving.


Letting It Go: Part One